Stopped here to get back to even on the blog before this crucial week kicks off.
Word in the NGO (non govt orgs) community is that beginning Tuesday NGOs will be restricted to far fewer folks to get into the Bella Center. So tomorrow I'll be in begging mode with ICLEI, 350, CJF and any one else who can get me a secondary pass.
The march was beyond belief...a sea of people, sights and sounds like I've never seen or felt before. Estimates range from 40-100,000 depending on your source. Either way Jane Shay and I made the most of it with our "Minnesotans for Climate Action" banner.
Easily the most gorgeous and homespun banner of the lot...Cindy Sheenan (from Crawford TX fame at GW's ranch fame) came up to say hi.
1 man from St. Cloud and lots of people who knew someone from MN.
Did I mention that we got frontpage coverage in the "Politiken" the major Kopenhavn Sondag Paper...too bad the banner wasn't tight so Minnesota was not readablr...but we know it's there.
The march was long 5-6 miles and 2.5- 3 hours. Beautiful scenes from different Copenhagen neighborhoods, the setting of the sun from a bridge near the Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior with this lovely sailboat with a sail-ant message.
We need EVERYONE on board for this effort....if you see them, have a good sit down chat please.
The rest of the march was peaceful with the cold setting in. Had an interview with a Mother Jones reporter with full band background about 10 feet away. When we arrived at the Bella Center, Jane headed for home being tired and I stuck around for the speeches and the surprise of the trip.
Time to leave McDonalds, catch the rest of the blog in Ordrup, bring on the train once more.
Back home after a lovely meal of instant soup, Danish bread, butter, jam and a Danish apple that would put any Honey Crisp to a taste test.
Folded my laundry and I have no idea after tomorrow if I will even be able to get into the Bella Center for the big week.
Oh, the big surprise. Pretty much had given up meeting Alec Neal (friends Craig and Patricia Neal's son) and Katherine Ball his partner in town to do art and banners for the march and actions this week. I'm filming the talks last night by Mary Robinson, Deepa Gupta the youth rep from India who is working with us on the Climate Justice Fast and I feel this tap on my back....Hi Alec and Katherine...sweet reunion and spent the rest of the night hanging, visiting the "Yes Men" HQ where they were working, having pizza and playing cribbage with Alec, first
Quite an end to a day for the world to remember, wish I could find a photo that showed it all...but seeing our banner on the front page this morning was pretty was first walk for fun and to see the hood here in suburban Cop.
On my way home from town I sat next to 2 Party Members from Indonesia...they were tickled when I could speak to them in their language and from there it was all downhill.
They started telling me the real scoop about being a delegate in the plenary room with the big boys.
Just like the old business model money talks and they said the rest of the conference is about the US and China haggling over the much? who pays? what do we get for it? pretty sickening when the real questions are Who Dies? which nations disappear? and how long til it's your kids?
What is it going to take to wake these ________________up ?
Perhaps 2 young Aussies and a Swede fasting for 120 days total w/o food will make them think...maybe really comes down to feeling the costs and moving together to a higher place.
All signs point towards that NOT happening...what can you offer to make the totally unpredictable happen and happen this week?
Stay tuned, and watch the main event, Bill McKibben and his band of merry 350 kids and a few old farts bonding with the Climate Justice Fast movement and 1,000 youth, and a few leaders from drowning nations like President Nasheed from the Maldives (tomorrow at 4 pm)...against the large powerful and emotionally devoid talking suits of the 2 largest and richest countries in the world.
they don't stand a chance.....I'm so glad to be here to stand up...a little like the Twins against the Yankees.
Now do you see why I have a hard time sleeping?
it's all about the heart.