Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's a Miracle

I never thought I would learn how to get my video on my blog or You Tube.

Chuck Prentice, I hope you are listening......walking out of the Large Plenary Hall which I just discovered,,,,after a rousing frisbee fgame with a 21 year old from Norway (who advanced from a 2 to a 6 in skill level in 20 miniutes) I'm ready to go home after a long day and there sits Valida....video guru of the youthful greens.

She was so kind to show me every step from camera, to imovie to you tube to my blob and here it is 19 seconds of the Will Steger Youth at a photo shoot for Stoneyfield Yoghurt.


Small step for a man ....huge leap for his video imagery.

Enjoy...there will be more.

time to catch the train for tomorrow I eat...or not....this fasting deal is pretty cool.


1 comment:

  1. To Paul & Valida - Great work! Thanks for giving us the updates!
