Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 3- Will My Credentials be Ready?

Off for the train and the Bella Center to get registered and back to the youth summit in town...I'm learning my way around Copenhagen and hey...don't have to be bothered by eating for the next 3 days.

Here's the link for the Fox 9 show for those of you who haven't seen it.

and another good piece on the Climate Justice Fast group:

Thank you all for your support and is getting transfered directly to the youth delegates and others here through my hands (massage) your art (the banners and cards) just not sure about when the discs will start to fly...these indoor events are tricky.

I do have one soft disc and only one unprepared.

Create a magical event on 12/12 at the Lake Harriet Bandstand.


1 comment:

  1. Paul, Greetings from Melbourne, Australia and the Council of the Parliament of the World's Religions. "Make a World of Difference, Hearing Each other, HEALING THE EARTH" is the theme of the gathering of over 8000 people from 80 different countries and 200+ faith traditions. We pray daily for the success of Copenhagen and will be sending a formal declaration with a number of dignitaries who will be leaving Melbourne on December 9 heading for the UN Climate Summit in Denmark. Among those carrying our best wishes and declarations are
    HH the Dalai Lama, environmentalists Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim who run the Center for Ecology and Spirituality at Yale and writer and spiritual activist, Sister Joan Chittister. There are over 50 sessions at the Parliament dealing in some way with climate change. We are all very concerned about the present and future health of our Mother Earth. Blessings on you and your work in Copenhagen. If you see Alec Neal and Katherine Ball please give them my love.
    We will walk our lake in Minnesota when we both get back from our travels. Keep those discs flying.
    Your Brother Paul Strickaland
